Wednesday, 17 June 2020


KiwiCan says... 
keep on going,you're nearly there,don't give up, just persevere.

We played a game where we had to listen for An instruction and then Do an action.

Level 1
"Walk" means walk
"stop" means stop

Level 2
"Walk" means stop
"Stop" means walk

Level 3
"Walk" means walk
"stop" means stop
"Clap" keep going but clap once
"Name": keep going but say your name too. 

Level 4
"Walk" means stop
"Stop" means walk
"Clap" means carry on but clap once
"Name" means carry on name once 

Level 5
"Walk" means stop
"Stop" means walk
"Clap" means carry on but say your name once
"Name" means carry on but clap once 

Next, we had to silently get in a circle by the time Owen counted down from 10

We played "3, 6, 9"
We had to go around the circle, counting to 50. We weren't allowed to say the numbers 3, 6, or 9 in any way (we had to clap instead). We had to really pay attention to what the others were saying so we could keep up.  We had to pay attention to what everyone was saying as it went around the group. (Sometimes we don't do this during class discussions either.) The highest we got was 30... which was where it gets really tricky! Eventually, we persevered and got to 50. 
Kiwis we got:
(We didn't get the improvement or kindness kiwis, because we weren't encouraging others)


KiwiCan says...
Keep on going 
You're nearly there
Don't give up
Just persevere.

Biddy biddy bot.
If you're pointed at and Owen says "Biddy Biddy" you have to say "bop". If Owen says "Bop", you say nothing. 
We had to persevere because it was hard to think on your feet sometimes. We just sat down when we got out, rather than complaining.

We needed to show teamwork for our activity. Mystery Path. We had to work together as a team to figure out the mystery path.
Owen or Tia will say yes or no. You can only go forwards or backwards, not diagonal. We needed to pay attention while waiting in line do that we knew where to go and where not to go. 

Coming up with creative sharing

In my literacy class, we've been learning about Mammals of North America. Basty has created a quiz to share the facts that he pulled out of the text. 
I can't wait for some of our other learners to pick up this idea to share their learning!

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

KiwiCan Week 8

In Kiwican this term, we are trying to earn kiwi's which have skills and values on them. 

KiwiCan says if I got a problem
Yo I'll solve it
Think of an idea 
And I'll resolve it

Our warm up involved us walking around silently for 30 seconds... we had to come and sit down when we thought it was 30 seconds. We were between 20 & 37 seconds. 
Then we tried to guess 1 minute. Hridayman was counting... but got the timing a little out throughout. Some of the challenges were losing count or distracted by other people counting out loud instead of in their head. 
Last round was 2 minutes. 

The last people were at 2 minutes 25 seconds. It required a lot of problem-solving. 

Our big topic is resilience, with our smaller topic being problem-solving. 

We played Boggle. There were 9 letters on the board and we had to try and spell words with it. We could only use each letter once. 

Some of the things that were challenging was communication, listening to each others ideas, spelling the words, finding words with hard letters. 

Today we earned kiwis for:
Team Work


If I got a problem
Yo I'll solve it
Think of an idea
And I'll resolve it

We started off our session with a game of "Giant Wizard Dwarf". It's like a larger than life game of 'Rock Scissors Paper', except instead of individuals doing hand signals, we had to work as a team and do a full body action together. 

Giants defeat Wizard
Wizards defeat Dwarves
Dwarves defeat Giants

It was really impressive how well everyone talked and came to a decision. 

We then played a game of 'Splash'. If Tia pointed to you, you had to bob down and the people either side had to turn to each other and say "splash". The first person to say it stays in, while the last to say it is out. If it's not your turn to say "splash", you are also out. 

The best part was the "Moo off" to find the winner at the end!

Resilience means never giving up. We showed resilience in our games by going out with a good attitude and waiting patiently for a new round to begin. 

Great to be back

Gosh it's great to be back into a bit of routine again. 
We have been working in our home bases as we settle back into school.