Thursday, 24 September 2020

Spring Learning Journey

We used Song Maker to create some music as a warm up to the spring learning journey.

Here's a little jingle I created.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Making Good Choices

KiwiCan Says...
Making good choices
Is up to me
It shows I have
We are focusing on Making Good Choices. 
For our warm-up we played a game where Tia would say "Reset" (we put our heads down). When she said "1...2...3...look" (we pointed to someone in the group. If both people are pointing at each other, then you are both out.

Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one was watching.
We had to show integrity when we were pointing at someone but looking at someone else. It's important to show integrity when playing games because if you use honesty and fairness in a game it makes it more fun. If we don't show fairness then people won't want to play with us anymore and will play with other people. Also, little people might follow our bad example.


We shared ways that we've helped in the last week...
Ashaswi helped her mum make dumplings.
Orlando helped his mum make dinner.

Kiwican says...
Making good choices is up to me
It shows I have integrity

We played Ninja. With a ninja partner, we had to make one movement. If we got the other person, On the arm, then that hand went behind your back. We had to show integrity and make good choices for everyone to enjoy it. 

We played Dicey Dice (or greedy pig).
As the dice rolls, we add points. We had to make a choice about when we sat down and then would write the points down. If a 6 is rolled then it's the end of the round. That means there are no points for that round for those standing. Those sitting can add their points to their total.


Sophie from Food for thought came in to teach us about nutrition.Food For Thought

Today we met Harry. He helped up to see where the muscles and bones are in our bodies. There were lots of great questions:
If that was a woman, where would the womb be?
What is our saliva used for?
Do we have bones in our heart?
What does the kidney do?

We can strengthen our heart by exercise. We can also strengthen our body with healthy food. 
Everyday foods.
Dairy products help our bones. It has protein and calcium. 

Fruit and Vegetables come in all different colours. The different colours do different things for our bodies. They all work together as a team to give us different vitamins and minerals. 
Extraordinary Uses for Everyday Foods | Reader's Digest
Lean meat, seafood, eggs, nuts, beans, legumes and tofu. These foods are really high in protein, which helps out muscles. Iron is also important. 

Grains & starchy vegetables give us lots of energy and give us carbohydrates. the whole meal variety is even better. We can also get fibre from our grainy food. It is great for our intestines and helping to push food through them. If we stretched them out, they'd be 6m long. 
All of these foods are really good for our brain. 

Sometimes foods
Good to have now and then, but not every day. 
Lollies, flavoured milk, ice cream, burgers & fries, pizza. 
We looked at how much fat is in the different chips we eat. Even potato chips! It can get stuck in our arteries.
(Photo of lines and going through)

If we have lots of sugar it can damage our teeth. And fat can damage our bodies.

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Recapping Resilience

KiwiCan says 
Keep on going
You're nearly there 
don't give up 
Just persevere.

This is our last KiwiCan session for the term.

We started with a game of silent ball.
We had to persevere when it got hard. 

We recapped what we had learned throughout the term. We did it by having a quiz with teams.
We needed to show resilience in our teams by sharing our ideas and the roles in our group (recorder & runner). We sometimes needed to show perseverance when we felt like our ideas weren't being listened to.

Today we earned kiwi for:
Team work

We needed to show more kindness in the words we used to others, and improve on the way we talk in between activities. 

Wednesday, 17 June 2020


KiwiCan says... 
keep on going,you're nearly there,don't give up, just persevere.

We played a game where we had to listen for An instruction and then Do an action.

Level 1
"Walk" means walk
"stop" means stop

Level 2
"Walk" means stop
"Stop" means walk

Level 3
"Walk" means walk
"stop" means stop
"Clap" keep going but clap once
"Name": keep going but say your name too. 

Level 4
"Walk" means stop
"Stop" means walk
"Clap" means carry on but clap once
"Name" means carry on name once 

Level 5
"Walk" means stop
"Stop" means walk
"Clap" means carry on but say your name once
"Name" means carry on but clap once 

Next, we had to silently get in a circle by the time Owen counted down from 10

We played "3, 6, 9"
We had to go around the circle, counting to 50. We weren't allowed to say the numbers 3, 6, or 9 in any way (we had to clap instead). We had to really pay attention to what the others were saying so we could keep up.  We had to pay attention to what everyone was saying as it went around the group. (Sometimes we don't do this during class discussions either.) The highest we got was 30... which was where it gets really tricky! Eventually, we persevered and got to 50. 
Kiwis we got:
(We didn't get the improvement or kindness kiwis, because we weren't encouraging others)


KiwiCan says...
Keep on going 
You're nearly there
Don't give up
Just persevere.

Biddy biddy bot.
If you're pointed at and Owen says "Biddy Biddy" you have to say "bop". If Owen says "Bop", you say nothing. 
We had to persevere because it was hard to think on your feet sometimes. We just sat down when we got out, rather than complaining.

We needed to show teamwork for our activity. Mystery Path. We had to work together as a team to figure out the mystery path.
Owen or Tia will say yes or no. You can only go forwards or backwards, not diagonal. We needed to pay attention while waiting in line do that we knew where to go and where not to go. 

Coming up with creative sharing

In my literacy class, we've been learning about Mammals of North America. Basty has created a quiz to share the facts that he pulled out of the text. 
I can't wait for some of our other learners to pick up this idea to share their learning!

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

KiwiCan Week 8

In Kiwican this term, we are trying to earn kiwi's which have skills and values on them. 

KiwiCan says if I got a problem
Yo I'll solve it
Think of an idea 
And I'll resolve it

Our warm up involved us walking around silently for 30 seconds... we had to come and sit down when we thought it was 30 seconds. We were between 20 & 37 seconds. 
Then we tried to guess 1 minute. Hridayman was counting... but got the timing a little out throughout. Some of the challenges were losing count or distracted by other people counting out loud instead of in their head. 
Last round was 2 minutes. 

The last people were at 2 minutes 25 seconds. It required a lot of problem-solving. 

Our big topic is resilience, with our smaller topic being problem-solving. 

We played Boggle. There were 9 letters on the board and we had to try and spell words with it. We could only use each letter once. 

Some of the things that were challenging was communication, listening to each others ideas, spelling the words, finding words with hard letters. 

Today we earned kiwis for:
Team Work


If I got a problem
Yo I'll solve it
Think of an idea
And I'll resolve it

We started off our session with a game of "Giant Wizard Dwarf". It's like a larger than life game of 'Rock Scissors Paper', except instead of individuals doing hand signals, we had to work as a team and do a full body action together. 

Giants defeat Wizard
Wizards defeat Dwarves
Dwarves defeat Giants

It was really impressive how well everyone talked and came to a decision. 

We then played a game of 'Splash'. If Tia pointed to you, you had to bob down and the people either side had to turn to each other and say "splash". The first person to say it stays in, while the last to say it is out. If it's not your turn to say "splash", you are also out. 

The best part was the "Moo off" to find the winner at the end!

Resilience means never giving up. We showed resilience in our games by going out with a good attitude and waiting patiently for a new round to begin. 

Great to be back

Gosh it's great to be back into a bit of routine again. 
We have been working in our home bases as we settle back into school.

Friday, 1 May 2020

An advertiser in our midst

Orlando has given his Mum's Faceshields a plug on his blog. Listen to his spiel which does a fantastic job of explaining their features and then head to his blog here, and give him some feedback. (He was experimenting with Screen Castify). He does a better job than some of the infomercial people on TV!!!

Here's another video that shows him closer up...


If you would like to get hold of one for yourself, you can click on the link below, which will connect you with his Mum's Facebook page.
If any essential workers or workers would like to source ppe face shields for themselves or their children going back to...

Monday, 20 April 2020

Tenari's terrific Marble Run

Tenari made a marble maze made from lego.

You can leave a comment for Tenari here. You might like to ask him some questions about his creation.

Friday, 17 April 2020

Marsali's Lego Story

Marsali has been outside in her garden, creating a comic.

Check it out and then leave her a comment on her blog!

Thursday, 12 March 2020


Kiwican says 
Whakaute means respect 
Which makes me feel good
Taking care of our community 
Just like we should

We played a game using Maori commands. When the word was called, we had to get into a group and perform an action. 
Maunga     -2 people forming an arch. 
Awa           -3 people. Waving their arms. 
Waka         -4 people in a line, one behind the other, paddling. 
Iwi             -5 people in a circle.

We walked around in between.

Working together to help our community. We got into groups and looked at some questions. Some were easier than others... but the answers needed to start with a certain letter. 

  1. A country - Tanzania / Romania
  2. A Colour - Turquoise / Red
  3. A Name - Teri /Richard
  4. Movie - Transformers / Rugrats
  5. Famous Person - Teri Urwin / Ru Paul
  6. Suburb in Christchurch - Templeton / Redcliffs 
  7. Job - Teacher / Roadmarker
  8. fruit - Tangerine /Raspberry
  9. Sport - Tennis / Rugby
  10. A drink - Traffic Light / Raspberry
  11. Cartoon Character - Taz  / Roger Rabbit
  12. A Villian - The Grinch / Rat King
  13. A Book - The lion the witch and the wardrobe / Red Riding Hood
  14. Name of a song - Ten / Roam

Respect for our Community

Whakaute means respect 
which makes me feel good
Taking care of our community 
Just like we should.

We played Circle Soccer where we had our feet touching as we stood in a circle, but rolled the ball with our hands. We needed to score a goal (by getting it through someone's legs). If it went through someone's legs, they needed to turn around and race the other way. 

Circle Soccer
A community is the area around where we live. There are lots of things in our community where we visit after school and in weekends. Margaret Mahy Park, Cardboard Cathedral, Pak n Save.

We sat in a circle around a community place and discussed who the people we might need to show respect for in that place. 
We role-played in groups, showing respect for people in those places.
It's important to show respect when we're in our community to show respect for our school our people and our stuff. 
We talked about why it's important to show respect when we are wearing our school uniform because we are representing our school.

Monday, 2 March 2020

Reading is our superpower

Constable Brad shared why reading has been so important to him as a police officer. To read the laws and keep up with them online. People write to the police, with statements needing help. He needs to be able to read them to see how he could help them. When Brad was at school, his mum bought him a subscription to National Geographic magazine because he was really into finding out about the outdoors. Now his kids read them. His favourite book is The Places You'll Go by Dr Seuss. 

Brodie Kane, from the hits radio, She went to Waikiki Primary School then Rangiora High School.  She went to university to learn to be a journalist. One of the reasons she liked reading when she was little was that her mum or dad would read her a story before she went to bed. She wanted to be good at writing, so she read to improve her writing. Her favourite book is The Very Hungry Caterpillar & Where the Wild Things Are.

Stella from What Now remembers Duffy books from when she was at school. (She even knew all the words to the song!) 
Stella from What Now
Stella liked books about mermaids. As she got older, she looked for books about Maoritanga. (How Maori view the world) Her message was to read a book about something you like. She talked about how she copes with doing things for the very first time. If she got to gunge anyone, who would she want to gunge? Mr Wilkinson!

Mr VanOpzeeland from Opzeeland Transport spoke about how you need to read to get you truck and car licences. He spoke about why reading is important in running a transport business.  

Our theme is superheroes. Our superpower is reading! We are going to have loads of fun with reading this year... dress-up days, pyjama reading days... Chris from Scholastic gave us a pack of books per class!  

Kiwi Can

Respect all around, 
it is cool, 
to be proud, 
of your school. 

E hea? Means how many in Maori.
After saying "e-he-a" together each person (in a pair) holds a number of fingers out on their hand. Both race to add up their combined two hands and say the total in Maori.

We are talking about Role models. Role models show five and make good choices do others can always follow their example. A role model shows pride in their actions and shows others how to be kind. Sometimes role models still do silly things. We are learning to think about our actions and how they affect other people.

We role-played example of when older kids do the wrong thing and how younger people copy them, then role-played the positive example.

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

First Swim of the season

This morning we are the first class to be in the pool for the summer.
It was pretty cold, but we toughed it out!

Kiwi Can

You listen to me,
I listen to you,
Is the thing to do.

We had to co-operate to build cup pyramids. It also meant we had to remember to use positive communication too. 

The teams that did well were the ones that talked to each other throughout the game. Some were quiet or negative and that meant they struggled.

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Awesome Attempts At Animation

We are learning to use shortcut keys to create an animation.
James created a PacMan game today, showing our Year 4's how creative they can be.