Thursday, 25 July 2019

Origami Art!

We have been learning how to make origami in art with our student teacher Miss Rowland. Origami means paper folding in Japanese.

This week we made cups and lanterns.
It takes a lot of patience to fold the paper just right. But it is a lot of fun. After, we all decorate our origami!

Next, we will be making new shapes and trying new types of paper! Can't wait to share our work!

Working With Miss Rowland

Over the past six weeks, we have had our student teacher, Miss Rowland, in our class with us. 

Friday was her last day with us and she was sad to leave us. But we each made an origami person for her to remember us. 

We have loved having Miss Rowland as part of Manawaroa this term! 

New Beanbags

We are really lucky to get some new beanbags in our space. 

They are for our outdoor area... but while it's pretty miserable out there, we're going to make use of them indoors!

Shjon: "They're really good. Comfortable. I wish all the chairs were beanbags!"

Christina: "They're comfortable. Kind of a little bit hard, but they're also good for relaxing."

Summergrace: "They're comfy, and warm for learning on."

Maddock: "They're kind of comfortable because they're hard."


We are learning about resilience. Never giving up. We are looking at emotions. 
Kiwi Can says...
I have emotions and that's okay. 
When I deal with them, in a positive way.
 We listened to the song Happy... when we heard the word "happy" we had to do star jumps or push ups. When we heard the word "happiness" we needed to do a sit up. We had to listen really carefully. That became difficult as we got more tired from busting moves.
Examples of different emotions we have were: sad, confused, happy, emotional, ridiculous, depressed, joy, emotionless, angry, proud, tired, super excited, chillaxed. 
We got into groups and then were given a card with an emotion on it. We had to act out that emotion, including what had happened to get to that emotion. 
(Thankful, guilty, impatient, cautious, delighted)
We have been focusing alot on emotions this week. In mindfulness, we have been recognising our emotions as well as learning to accept our emotions. We talk about emotions being like the weather. They change... when it is stormy, we can be sure that in time the sunshine will come back.

Friday, 5 July 2019

Snowmen & Snowwomen

We have been creating some super snowmen and snowwomen and then giving them a personality.
Check out some of our creations below (If you click on our name you will be taken to our blog post about them. Please leave us a comment!!!