We look after our things
and show up on time,
Because when I'm responsible,
It shows we are kind.
We played 'Magical Kiwi'. When your number is called, you have to come and grab the kiwi and take it back before you're tagged. If it was a tie, paper scissors rock to see who gets to take it.
In our classroom we have rules too.
- no running inside.
- put milk and fruit away.
- don't talk when others are talking.
- being gracious when playing games.
Find the wolf.
When Tia says "go", we move into thumbs up position. You are thinking about whether you'll be a pig, horse or a cow. The person who's thumb is tagged is the wolf.
When an animal is called, those animals move as well as the wolf. The class needs to try and figure out who the wolf is.
Our focus is integrity, so we needed to not peek.
We recapped the rules for the game and why they were important. The game was unfair when they weren't followed.
It's our own responsibility to follow the rules.